Maybe that is not the right way to spell her/his name. Though that does not really matter at all. I'll introduce you to my newest friend. A family friend. A friend that only comes around during Christmas. Nikky is a elf. Nikky is Santa's elf. Nikky is Brendon and Brody's elf. Short note: I think it is a he, so I will use 'he'. He is been around for more than a week now and seriously he is my hero.
Kids in America get send a elf by santa. The elf's job is to watch the children during the day. See if they are naughty or nice. If they were nice, Nikky goes to Santa when they are a sleep and he tells him that they deserve to be on the nice list. If they were not as nice as the suppose to be Nikky stays the night. The big question now is, how do we know if Nikky has been to Santa. Well I will answer that for you. Nikky started his year on top of the Christmas tree. The boys were good so Nikky went to Santa that night. The other morning we woke up and Nikky was in a vase on top of a TV cabinet. So Every morning the boys are looking for Nikky. At least if they were nice to their parents, each other and me.
Amazing. This elf is helping me with just being in a vase, on the tree, on top of a wooden Giraf, hanging on the lamp or were ever he decides to fly to. Thanks Nikky your my hero. Just saying your name makes them listen. I love it.
"Nienke why do you write in English? It is rubbish. Your grammar is terrible." Just because I can and because I am starting to get thoughts in English. Then this, I've never been good in grammer. I am just trying. Now my English speaking friends can read my story too!
I'll stop my embarrassing English blog flop. I can not handle it anymore. You know what the most embarrassing is. I think I did pretty well, like I always thought I did in English class. I know that if my teacher was going to check this. It would be all covered in red.
I tried, maybe next year I'll be better!
Bye bye and Smile
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