Time is getting less and less and I have come to realize that I haven't seen enough of the USA yet. I have until December to travel wherever I want to go inside of this gigantic county. Last month I randomly booked my ticket to go to Denver, Colorado. Well I have thought about it a proper amount of time, but it was no longer than a week.
If you know me well you know that that is not me at all. I got a little anxious about it, but mainly because it made me super excited. I booked my ticket to fly to Denver on a Friday night and to go back on Sunday evening. During my ASL classes I met Ines. She came all the way from Colorado to Baltimore to take the classes. I had a great laugh with her that weekend. When she told me she lived so far away I was pretty sure I was not going to see her again here. At the same time I realized I knew someone else who lives in Colorado who I really wanted to meet. So why not Nienke, Why not just go.
That other person is Ester. When I started my blog and YouTube channel I knew that there were more than 'just my friends and family' that were been able to see those medias. My agency in Holland contacted me when I posted my first video. They asked me if they were been able to put a link to my YouTube channel on their website. So that new au-pairs were been able to see how it is to be an au-pair. They can follow me through my lows and highs. Ester was the first one to get in contact me. It is really cool to see that what I started did get people to become an au-pair. They probably would have anyway, but maybe for some I could give little push.
Ester was one of them. No, for Ester I was just making the picture clearer. I know for over 500% that she would be where she is now, without me too. She asked me questions and over time we started to Skype. We started a friendship that was based on the same dream. Being an au-pair in USA. She was still in Holland and I was moving to Virginia. I made my dream come true and while she was finishing school she was getting ready to do the same. I saw here grow in this adventure. Everyday she came closer and closer. When we started to Skype she was about to sent her applications to the Dutch agency. I was been able to follow her from the start. From filling in the papers to arriving in Denver. I was reliving it all over again. Months past and now I was about time to meet each other.
Friday first. I had to work and on friday my days are hectic. I have to do the laundry and so some cleaning. At the same time I had to get ready to leave at 6:30. I had to pack my bag. I had to bring DVDs back to the central library a few miles away and what about my own laundry. Welcome to my friday. It is the first time in my life that I wake up on friday and I have the thought "oh no, friday" haha. Even though the day was insanely buzzy I was been able to get in all organized. At 6 O'clock I was all packed and the laundry was done. The house was done and the DVDs were back at the library. With done I mean I did most of the cleaning but I was not been able to get it all done in time. Girls room were organized and the floors were vacuumed so I know I did my best towards to most important parts.
The lovely Katerine brought me to the airport. Still super grateful for that. I flew at 10:10pm what gave me some time to kill. I always want to be in time, just can't stand to come late. Especially when it comes to going on planes. Than it is not about no been able to stand to be late, but if you are late you are screwed. So why not arriving there 3hours to early, haha. The flight was good and I arrived in Denver 11:50pm local time. There is a time difference of 2 hours. I flew twice for 3,5 hours for just one weekend. Ines, the sweetheart, picked my up at midnight. I was so happy to see her. I was exhausted from the flight. It took us quite a while to get to Ines's house because she is living in the mountains. What I absolutely adore. It was 2am in Colorado, 4am on the east coast and 10am in Holland. I was kind of delirious of tiredness and I should have immediately got to bed, but I instead of that decided to Skype my dad. He answered the call in his robe. He was already up for 2 hours. Most of the time the time difference is the stupidest thing on earth, though sometimes it is funny. I told him that my flight went well and how tired I was and then I kind of fell asleep.
Good morning America, I have woken up in this country quite a lot now. This was the best one. The view was incredible and Ines made me a delicious smoothie with a Spanish breakfast. Ines is a Spanier, well that is who she calls herself. For me it sounds like she is descended from a dog breed. haha. I would say she is Spanish. Before I came to Colorado I only had one place I really wanted to go to. Let Ines not have been there yet; 'The Gardens of the God'. It is this such a breathtaking place. It is a nature park with gigantic red rock formation. For me the typical nature of the US. I absolutely loved it.
Later that afternoon we drove to Denver. Ines lives 30minutes away from downtown and due to the fact that I arrived super late the evening before I hadn't seen Denver itself yet. Though there was something quite not like my style going on downtown. The annual zombie crawl. I DO NOT LIKE THAT. It looked really, really great though. It was not just some people with ripped clothes and fake blood. It was a proper zombie crawl, with prober make-up and costumes multiplied by hundreds. Writing about it I gives me shivers all over my body again.I get scared so easily. -- I think it is time to blame my brother and sister. I've said over all my social medias how big of a baby I am. That is all due to the fact that the two of you scared me all my life and enjoyed it more than you should have had! THANKS-- I was petrified, but as long as they just past me I was doing fine, deep breath. haha.
That afternoon it was finally time to meet Ester in person. This is the 'I forgot to count' time to tell everyone that I am so proud of you and I am extremely glad that I got to see you. To give you the biggest hug and to talk to you for hours straight. To tell you in person who I feel about everything you've done. Such a huge achievement and I at this point couldn't be happier for you! She was exactly as I expected her to be. It was almost impossible to be different, because we have shared stories almost every day. She joined me and Ines for diner and after a nice evening we convinced her to stay the night with us so that she could join us the next day.
This was the shortest trip of my life and the next morning I was putting everything back in my mini suitcase and printed my ticket already. We had quite some time before my flight. We went to the red rock amphitheater. Crazy views and I secretly wish that there was some time to visit a concert there. That must look amazing. Some lunch at the Evergreen Lake and than it was time to go to the airport. It was such a great weekend and I was so glad that I got to spent some time with these two amazing girls. Denver, Colorado is stunning and defiantly a place you should visit. You have the city and within half a hour you are in the mountains and than don't forget the red colored rocks everywhere. I was really lucky with my timing, because Autumn is the most colorful time of the year. Especially in Colorado. The weather was so good and quite warm at some moments. It was only for short time, but it was more that worth it!
Colorado thank you. You need to know that you are lucky having these great girls in your pretty state. Take care of them now that I am far away again. I love you!